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Build a Sales Tech Stack that Enables Sales Success

It's Bigger than CRM

CRM is where most companies start...and end their sales tech stack. Many don't make it that far, sticking with spreadsheets, whiteboards and other tools they adopted a couple of decades ago. Others opt for a module with their ERP, and some stumble into a solution their IT provider recommends, ending up with limited adoption and expensive constraints on necessary customization.

What a shame!

Sales technology has evolved massively over the last several years, and the real impact extends far beyond contact management and deal tracking.

Today's sales technology stack should:

  • create experiences to help prospects and customers buy
  • improve sales force effectiveness
  • boost the sales team's efficiency
  • reinforce sales process and opportunity qualification
  • improve sales forecast accuracy and pipeline management
  • create collaboration between marketing and sales

But few companies achieve these goals. Instead, they invest money in software that doesn't drive these outcomes. In fact, it often doesn't even get used.

That's a waste!

Build a Sales Tech Stack that Works

building-an-effective-industrial-sales-tech-stackImplementing a tech stack that drives the outcomes, is justifiable and affordable, and that the sales team uses requires planning and change management.

The number of options, gadgets and shiny tools on the market often complicates the decision, as do different departmental interests within a company - between finance, IT, sales, marketing and management.

Building the right tech stack only happens proactively, yet decisions are often made passively.

Make Informed Decisions and Unlock the Full Value

Informed decisions involve:

  • understanding categories of technology
  • why buyer experience is important
  • how marketing and sales should collaborate
  • what ongoing support is required and who should deliver it
  • a reasonable budget
  • marketing's role
  • what sales needs to do to optimize the value
  • and more

This guide delivers all that and more in 15 easy-to-digest fast-paced pages.

Download this Guide and Build a Sales Tech Stack that Works

This guide takes you through the evaluation, justification, selection, and implementation process. It covers:

  • The role of technology today - how it improves buyer experience and boosts sales effectiveness
  • Who should buy, manage and maintain the tech stack
  • Technical decisions, including a single database solution or integrations
  • Pricing & budgeting, as well as business justification
  • Tips on implementing and maintaining the data and tools
  • How sales leadership and management must guide the team to optimize outcomes
  • CRM vs ERP and why that's a really critical choice
  • 17 components of the ideal sales tech stack
  • A note on HubSpot's offering

Download your copy today! 👉

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