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Critical Industrial Sales Update - Boost Your Close Rate by 120%*
Executive Reading/Discussion Group of The JOLT Effect

Why You Must Join This 7-Session Group

complex-sales-deals-lost-to-buyer-indecision-the-jolt-effectMatt Dixon, author of The Challenger Sale has just published a new book The JOLT Effect which turns common sales wisdom on its head. This is an important read for anyone with revenue responsibility.

Tl;dr - deals are NOT lost to the status quo as we've assumed, but increasingly lost to buyer indecision. And the playbooks and tactics we've trained to overcome the fear of change actually work strongly against us when the buyer is experiencing indecision. "(Buyers are) much less worried about missing out than they are about messing up." After all, behavioral finance tells us that people value a gain much less than they fear an analogous loss.

This potentially means some big changes for complex sales teams - that merits a careful read and some vigorous group discussion and vetting. Alarming statistics include:

๐Ÿšจ Between 40-60% of complex deals today end up stalled in โ€œno decisionโ€ limbo

๐Ÿšจ 87% of all buyer conversations show moderate or high levels of customer indecision

๐Ÿšจ Only 26% of buyers who verbalize intention to buy, actually do

๐Ÿšจ Only 5% of deals actually close when buyers have high levels of indecision

๐Ÿšจ 84% of the time taking indecisive buyers back through the justification actually reduces the likelihood of close

๐Ÿšจ * Following the JOLT method takes average close rates from 26 to 57%

Dixon finds that top performers actively qualify and disqualify deals "not just on ability to buy, but also on ability to decide," and that while the impact of the status quo remains consistent, indecision is rapidly increasing with workloads, information overload, buying teams and independent research! It's a big problem and it's getting bigger...and costing you more and more.

We might not agree with every detail, but the research is extensive, the payoff large, and the challenge growing.

This book, and this group read/discussion will be eye-opening and just might change your '23 revenue trajectory! Register below! ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

Who Should Join

This group is intended for executives with revenue responsibility at middle-market industrial companies. Priority will be given to:

  • CEO/president/GM
  • Independent directors
  • VP/Directors of Sales
  • VP/Directors of Marketing
  • CFOs
Group will be capped at 25. No more than two participants from any company. If the group is oversubscribed I'll make cuts in early December. If you register, please plan to be able to participate in most sessions and do the reading.

๐ŸšจRegister Now!๐Ÿšจ ๐Ÿ‘‡


We will meet Wednesday afternoons from 2-3 pm EST. We'll start in December so that you're familiar with the JOLT method before your '23 SKO (sales kickoff) meeting in January.

The dates are as follows:

  • 7 December 2022 - Group introduction and discussion of sales challenges and deals lost to no decision.
    • Homework: read The JOLT Effect Chapters 1-3
  • 14 December 2022 - Discussion of JOLT chapters 1-3
    • Homework: read chapters 4-6
  • 21 December 2022 - Discussion of JOLT chapters 4-6
    • Homework: read chapters 7-9
  • 4 January 2023 - Discussion of JOLT chapters 7-9
    • Homework: read chapter 10
  • 11 January 2023 - Discussion of chapter 10
  • 18 January 2023 - Discussion of implementation opportunities/challenges
  • 1 March 2023 - Debrief on progress

What to Expect

The book is a typical 240-page easy-to-read business book. We'll tackle a manageable 70 pages/week.

Sessions will be recorded with AI transcription. We'll use the knowledge management tool Roam Research to capture our notes and collaboration. I'll provide access to the knowledge graph at no charge to participants. You're not obligated to use Roam, but that's where collective reading and meeting notes will be shared.

You have to buy your copy of the book in whatever format (suggest either physical or kindle so we can reference pages in discussion)

 Just complete the form here to watch it on demand now. ๐Ÿ‘‡