What would business be like if you actually communicated with website visitors?

Your website visitors are humans too...even if they're anonymous

It's time to treat them like the individuals they are!

Because of how the internet evolved, and websites were created to share information, many companies are stuck with a static website that shares information with visitors, but forces any conversation to phone or email.

It's time to adapt our websites to foster a dialog with website visitors. After all, they're among your most qualified prospects - they've landed on your site.

Let's be more human, and let's shorten the path to conversations, opportunities and sales!

An easy, inline, conversational, friendly and empathetic connection for website visitors will lower their barrier to communicating with you.

That's the power of conversational marketing - to ensure that you greet visitors appropriately based on their location and purpose, and connect them with the right department and right person - quickly and personally.


a strong manufacturing marketing conversational marketing strategy is at the intersection of digital marketing and sales teams. It facilitates human intervention at key points in the visitor experience, fostering different conversations than traditional forms and driving more leads

It's not changing how you sell....

It's adapting to how your prospects buy!

Conversational Marketing is about:

  • simplifying the path for visitors
  • offering a welcoming and responsive way for them to ask questions and learn more - without hunting and searching
  • putting some #human and some #empathy back into industrial marketing and sales

Conversational marketing will help your marketing and sales team:

  • bypass steps that disrupt conversations
  • save time
  • respond to prospects and customers in the way they prefer
  • connect your CRM and marketing automation tools for integrated sales
  • foster real-time engagement just like at trade shows
conversational marketing helps drive the right conversations through in depth online engagements with prospects. It helps to collect information that's important for customer support and sales

What's personal today?

Let's not debate the virtues of smartphones. They're here to stay and are part of our lives.

But just because voice calls may not be the default or first way that your website visitors want to connect with you, that doesn't mean that personal engagement isn't important.

Conversational Marketing enables real-time dialog even via mobile and desktop devices when there is no call.


ai chatbots can help unlock the full potential of conversational marketing by delivering the right content at the right time to the right people

Be Human!

There's a tech component for sure. And you want software created by a team that's relentless in looking for new ways to satisfy the expectations of digital visitors and buyers.

But first, you have to decide that you want to put a more human face on your interactions with website visitors. That's the biggest step...but if you already have phone lines, then you probably understand the value of conversation.

So let's extend that to your digital properties too!

conversational marketing improves the buyer experience

"Your call is very important to us"

We all react the same when we hear that. We cringe.

We know as buyers what it's like to be taunted - don't do that to your visitors. Welcome anonymous visitors with a convenient conversation, and treat known visitors and customers with caring.

Conversational marketing, sales and service is about improving your results by improving your visitor and buyer experience.

Learn More About Conversational Marketing

Use Cases

Is this the solution to your lead-gen, sales pipeline & closing challenges?


Replace the Forms

Simplify conversion for your visitors interested in some of your gated content. Skip the cumbersome forms; collect email and a couple other details easily and conversationally; start a comfortable dialog.


Schedule More Meetings

How often do legitimate and excited leads wither as hours, days and weeks pass with your salespeople unable to connect to follow up on a lead? Incorporate a calendar & meeting widget into your chat to skip steps and get the meetings.


Properly Greet Visitors, Prospects & Customers

You say they're important and valued....but do you treat them that way? If your static website just sits there, the honest answer is probably not. Change that with personalized greetings and chat content.


Boost Conversion Rates

You work so hard to bring visitors to your site...and you spend so much. Could there be any more important investment than actually turning those hard-earned visitors into known prospects?


Self-Serve Information

Link chat to your knowledge base or create one, to let users find answers quickly. They'll value an efficient experience, and you'll have real people backing up the bots to deliver a genuinely helpful experience.


Unified Customer Experience

From an anonymous visitor, through known prospect to an enthusiastic and satisfied customer - a flexible conversational experience solidifies the experience across buyers' lifecycles.

Learn More About Conversational Marketing

Happier Visitors and More Productive Salespeople

Conversational marketing delivers a better experience for your visitors, prospects and customers.

And it puts your sales team in the game - early and effectively.

  • 1.5% common increase in conversion rates (this may not sound like much, but for many companies with a 2% conversion rate, it nearly doubles their leads!)
  • Sell the way buyers want to buy

Gartner says "By 2020, conversational marketing will be a recognized channel of B2B and B2C customer engagement and revenue, displacing a combination of marketing, sales and service activities."

Get a head start on your competitors!

Learn More About Conversational Marketing

Insider-Certification-SolutionsPartner-BadgeDon't just guess! Consilium is a Drift Certified Solutions Partner. Consilium Global Business Advisors Drift Certified Partner

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Frequently Asked Questions

How hard is this to implement?
Technically, it's simple. You can be up and running with simple code on your website. It's a two-hour project. But...delivering a consistently great visitor and customer experience takes continuous work. The technology is easy to customize - it's the thinking and design that never stops. That's what we help companies optimize.
What does it cost?

It's as affordable as free for the "freemium" version of Drift. But you probably want to empower your whole team - marketing, sales & service. The power of automatic meeting scheduling with your reps; flexible and engaging chatbots; and even a robust integration with your ABM (account-based marketing) and target account management programs are available in other versions of the product

In addition to the software cost itself, be sure to budget for some investment in set-up, and depending on your team, probably some ongoing advisory.

Based on the typical boost in conversion and meeting rates - and the resulting deals and sales, companies often report returns ranging from 3-10X.

How does this improve conversion rates?

We're eliminating friction AND we're treating people like people.

A visitor on your site is a pretty darned likely lead. It's critical that you make it simple and welcoming for them to ask their questions.

That's the essence of conversational marketing.

Do I need a specific conversational marketing platform?

The tools in this space are evolving quickly. Where stand alone live chat and chatbot tools were common, now conversational marketing tools are incorporated into marketing automation tools like HubSpot.

Building on a common database with a unified user experience can simplify the interaction for sales teams and deliver personalized messages.

How does conversational marketing fit into Sales and Marketing Strategy?

As the hybrid world of online and in person sales and marketing evolves, the emphasis on conversational marketing continues to grow. This innovative approach is more than just a trend; it's becoming a cornerstone of successful digital marketing strategies. By integrating conversational marketing into your sales process, you're not just following a fad—you're taking a step towards more effective engagement with your target accounts and improving the overall buyer's journey.

Embracing Conversational Marketing Platforms for Enhanced Engagement

The heart of conversational marketing lies in its platforms. These powerful tools enable marketing teams to create real-time conversations with prospects and customers - creating human intervention at optimal points to satisfy virtual users. Unlike traditional methods, these platforms facilitate a more personalized approach, allowing sales reps to engage in meaningful dialogues with each visitor. This real person-to-person interaction ensures that your team is having the right conversations at the right time, significantly impacting your sales funnel.

Crafting a Conversational Marketing Strategy for Deeper Customer Relationships

Developing a conversational marketing strategy isn't just about choosing the right platform; it's about understanding how to use these tools to enhance the customer journey. By training your marketing teams and sales reps to become conversational marketing experts, you can ensure that each interaction is tailored to the needs and interests of your prospects. This personal touch not only nurtures quality leads but also creates a more satisfying experience for both parties involved.

Integrating Machine Learning for Smarter Interactions

The integration of machine learning into conversational marketing platforms is a game changer. This technology enables more nuanced and intelligent interactions, allowing your team to respond more effectively to the needs of each individual. By analyzing past interactions and buyer behaviors, machine learning helps in predicting the needs of your prospects, ensuring that every conversation is relevant and impactful.

The Impact on the Sales Process and Generating More Deals

Incorporating conversational marketing into your sales process revolutionizes the way you interact with potential customers. It enables your team to guide prospects through the sales funnel more effectively, ensuring that no opportunity is missed. By having timely and relevant conversations, your team can drive sales more efficiently, leading to more deals and a healthier bottom line. 

Towards a Future of Enhanced Target Account Engagement

Looking ahead, the role of conversational marketing in the marketing industry is set to become even more significant. As businesses continue to seek ways to engage more effectively with their target accounts, the need for sophisticated conversational marketing strategies will grow. By staying ahead of this curve, your business can ensure that it remains competitive and continues to meet the evolving expectations of modern buyers.

Conversational Marketing - a Digital Twist on Traditional Industrial Sales

In conclusion, conversational marketing is not just about adopting new technology; it's about rethinking your entire approach to sales and marketing. By focusing on real-time conversations and building genuine relationships with each prospect, you can transform your marketing strategy and achieve more sales and more deals. The future of marketing is conversational, and by embracing this approach, your business is poised for success in the ever-evolving digital landscape. ---

How do chat tools compare?

There's competition in the space for sure - including some well-established players.

If you just want live chat on your site, then there a number that you can work with. But if your goal is to create engaging and dynamic conversational interactions, then you need a broader toolset and a company that's innovating, or even disrupting, at full speed.

Drift was an early mover in the space that is now focused on the enterprise market. For most of my clients the HubSpot inbox is the right tool for conversational marketing and sales.

How does this work with ABM?

Kind of like a hand in glove. 😎

Drift's Company and Enterprise versions include integrated Clearbit information, Drift Intel allows you to automatically greet and route anonymous visitors by industry, company and more.

Known visitors are treated accordingly, not with the same generic greeting as others, and they're automatically routed to their appropriate sales or service rep.

There's a lot more to it...but you get the idea.

How do I integrate conversational marketing tools?

The best solution is to build on a common database. Read more here about how to build the best sales tech stack for your business.

This helps to ensure that for potential customers, anonymous prospects, target accounts and known users you can create appropriate personalized experiences.

Drift and HubSpot "Certified Partner"

We understand industrial buyers, capital equipment sales and how your business operates.

drift partnerAnd we understand HubSpot Hubs (marketing hub, sales hub, service hub and ops hub) as well as Drift software and the rapidly evolving practice of conversational marketing. If you just want live chat, we won't add much value. But if you want to create a conversational and personalized experience for visitors, prospects, and customers in a way that supports today's complex sales and capital equipment buying team environment, that's where we'll help you win.

Ready to get started? Cool. Let's go!