What is an Industry Knowledge Graph?

The Greatest Opportunity for Thought Leadership and Business Strategy Since the Advent of SEO and Inbound Marketing.

An Industry Knowledge Graph is the aggregation of industry information, best practices, trends and topics which is built on a platform with bi-directional linking, semantic metadata and powerful collaboration and query tools.

The opportunity is NOW!

The window will close.

Why your company should create an Industry Knowledge Graph - knowledge graphs have huge manufacturing marketing potential and can be easily built on common knowledge graph technology

An Opportunity to Seize

Research shows that among the changes in buying habits and expectations is the preference buyers have for businesses that help. Of course, there's a commercial interest, but leading your industry and educating your buyers with the codification of rapidly democratized but fragmented information will offer your business many benefits. With the help of knowledge graphs, these include:

  1. Industry recognition of leadership
  2. Advantage over competitors
  3. Branding and positioning
  4. Recruiting and retention - making a broad difference and emphasizing the importance of knowledge
  5. Create internal culture of knowledge management
  6. Create valuable model for white-label offering to customers/clients
  7. Codify your company's enormous intellectual capital into an industry defining asset
why now is the time to build an industry knowledge graph - manufacturers can create their own knowledge graph. Building knowledge graphs requires a knowledge graph framework and determination

You Need to be META

In 2019 you might have thought of incremental product roadmaps, trade shows, field sales managers and travel budgets.

2020 introduced you to Zoom, MS Teams or Slack, and whole new approaches. We know by now that we're not simply reverting to the way things used to be. And incremental adaptation of old models is likely to fail.

Now is the time to lead your industry in a new direction, establishing your company as the one defining the space - not based on your latest technical features, but in how you empower everyone to be more successful.

Now is when your customers and prospects are looking for something amazing and different.

Now is when you have a chance to be the first mover (imagine if you'd taken SEO seriously in 2000!!??)

Now is when the confluence of AI and information overload is focusing people on the challenges of knowledge management.

And now is when the technology has reached the inflection point at which this initiative is feasible.

Now is the time to broaden your strategy to include remarkable industry-leading opportunity with knowledge graphs and AI.


companies can gain a competitive edge with their knowledge graph head start - an industrial knowledge graph is a powerful tool to take raw data and structured data and make them available in a resource for the manufacturing industry

Collective Cognition

You might be wondering if this is really different....Your trade association may have a knowledge base. You might have associations with Slack workspaces to request open feedback or suggestions. You might even have created something like a wiki on your intranet.

This is different. Radically different. Although some of the elements are the same.

Superficially it will act as an industry knowledge base or wiki. But that's just on the surface.

Your company will be convening powerful, leading, creative minds in your industry. Individually they'll add great value. 

But at the intersections of their expertise and insights, you'll create a forge for new ideas and industry innovation.

The industry knowledge graph will go meta.

knowledge management and corporate strategy - knowledge graphs tie together a number of manufacturing marketing objectives from thought leadership through prominence on search engines. By integrating multiple data sources from various industries it creates a holistic view of industry knowledge


McKinsey research shows that companies that excel in Knowledge Management outperform their market by:

  • 70% in return to shareholders
  • 138% in return on revenues
  • 221% in return on assets

Conquering knowledge management within your business will increase your enterprise value.

And leading the effort to build your industry's knowledge graph will firmly establish your industry leadership. That will return other benefits including the marketing and sales advantage conferred by recognized industry authority.


Can your business lead your industry?

Is your company up to this challenge?

The benefits are clear, but what kind of company can really make this happen:



Visionary companies with visionary leadership. 

This will be messy and there will be naysayers!



Leading in bold ways means being different.

Being different is uncomfortable.



Companies that succeed will have a comprehensive view and understanding of their entire industry's ecosystem.


Resources to Allocate

Leading an industry takes resources. The industry knowledge graph effort will require executive sponsorship and engagement, time and attention from SMEs, and a full-time editor/moderator.


Give to Get

Success is built on creating value for others.

That's the fundamental animating philosophy behind this opportunity.


Is your company a fit?


You may want to talk to Ed.

an industrial knowledge graph can use a data model to capture machine learning, raw data, and diverse data into a framework linking data into a semantic network

Just Add the Knowledge

Designed to provide everything you need - all you add is the industry knowledge and connections.

We used to call it "turnkey" - now we just call it simple.



Frequently Asked Questions

What is Roam Research?

Roam is on its way to being like "Excel" for language. It's an incredibly powerful knowledge management and graphing tool built around the same sort of neural model that makes us smart. The key is bi-directional linking, but there's much more beyond that.

What about confidentiality?

This will be an industry resource.

It's public.

Obviously you won't include trade secrets, but if you're worried about confidentiality then this isn't a fit for you.

And frankly, you'll likely find increasingly that most buyers are a fit for you going forward. 

Is it right for us?

The reality is that only one company can really lead an industry. The industry knowledge graph project isn't right for every company.

If you struggle to produce blog posts, don't engage with other influencers in your industry, don't aspire to be your buyers' first stop for info, and aren't willing to be ridiculed, then it's probably best to let one of your competitors run with this.

You'll just get frustrated.

Who will participate?

We'll plan that together.

Likely a group of 10-50 people, depending on your industry. 

The information will be publicly available, with a dynamic group of industry authorities building the graph and collaborating on new ideas.

How is this different than content marketing?

Many companies have started to invest in digital marketing and content marketing to try to generate leads.

Manufacturing marketing is typically built around content that is designed to answer questions that people searching Google might be asking.

That hopefully brings people to your site where you can convert them to leads for sales follow up.

Your industry knowledge graph is dramatically different.

First, it's main goal is to help. To help buyers and stakeholders in the industry.

Second, it's not to simply answer easy questions, but much more ambitiously to codify the entire industries knowledge, AND THEN

To build on that knowledge by discovering new innovations at the intersections of disciplines and best practices.

You won't just be trolling for leads - you'll be defining the industry!

Who can contribute and participate?

That's up to you to decide and one of the early questions we'll tackle in the project.

As a starting point, I'd suggest an early group of contributors of about 10 - with plans to expand the scope and add contributors up to perhaps 50.

We need to reach a critical mass before we invite the public - and then you'll have to decide if you want anyone or only specific people to have access.

How is this different than a Wiki?

A wiki is an organized collection of information. Paid holidays this year, process for submitting a capex, phone number for internal tech support, plan for company Secret Santa, etc.

Your industry knowledge graph will include some of that sort of static information for your industry. More importantly, though, it will create the framework and environment for entirely new ideas to coalesce from the collaboration between industry leaders.

How long will it take?

Our project will take about 90 days.

Building your industry's knowledge graph will be an ongoing project.

As long as smart people do creative and innovative things in your industry, it's not done.

Will this drive business for us?

Directly? Probably not.

You have to undertake this with the goal of providing an incredibly valuable resource - codified and graphed industry knowledge - for all buyers and players.

This is about establishing your company as the industry leader. It's not about lead generation.

Of course, over time you'll harvest incredible benefits from the former. But don't do it for the latter. It's a long-term industry leadership play, not a short-term demand generation approach.

What will it cost?

Good question.

That depends.

Here's what you can reasonably count on.

Launch project - $50K (one time)

Editor/Community Moderator - $80K (loaded/year)

Misc - $5K/year (technology, etc.)

Other - management time, SME time, etc.

Will our competitors' participate?

One or two of them probably should.

Along with key stakeholders in various roles across the entire value chain/customer lifecycle.

Your Own Industrial Knowledge Graph

You'll bring the data and expertise. I bring an understanding of the data model and knowledge graphs. Recent advances in machine learning models and artificial intelligence will provide additional tools that we can use to enhance your knowledge graphs and establish your industry leadership.

Ready to get started? Learn More.