stock-photo-factory-shop-in-bokeh-defocused-background-372933151 (1)-900469-edited.jpgIndustrial Market Disruption

American manufacturers were put back on their heels by the rapid shift in the 80s & 90s. Offshoring, low cost manufacturing, buyer demands and quality challenges all hit at once.

Many companies failed. Some limped along. A few seized the opportunity created by disruption and implemented systems (like Lean) to improve their operations and control their destiny.

There's a pair of similar disruptions happening now.

  • Cyclical and secular trends are converging in ways many manufacturers aren't anticipating (cloud based services, 3D printing, sharing economy, demographics, global)
  • Buyer behaviors are changing again - not demanding constant price cuts, but self-service information gathering and technology to hide in the internet shadows just beyond the reach of sales teams

Ed helps companies overcome changing buyer behaviors through his revenue growth program. It's well suited for B2B industrial companies that win deals when they're at the table, but don't get their consistently.

What distinguish Ed from other consultants is his extensive experience on capital equipment, B2B and industrial markets in the US and internationally, offering a unique perspective on market and growth potential with experience on both sides, as a consultant and business owner

-Jorge, VP of Market Development

Ed has an intuitive understanding of industrial B2B marketing. He comprehensively analyzes markets – often from angles and at depths others never consider. He instinctively segments and masterfully crafts the culturally appropriate message – developed for the vertical, geographic and audience demographic he targets

- Dave, VP of Marketing

It has been a pleasure to work with Consilium. They have brought exceptional, experienced, and a broad based business perspective to our B2B business development efforts. Ed has proven to be a strategic asset to our business and has a clear understanding of global markets, digital marketing tools, international business and logistics, and has demonstrated a unique capability to deliver concise value add strategies.

-David, VP & GM

Ed’s excellent sales strategy sessions with our leadership led to outstanding recommendations on how to best develop our international presence. He is highly qualified in this area, and took the time to fully understand our unique advantages and challenges rather than offering generic, one-size-fits-all suggestions.

- Joe, COO

stock-photo-workers-talking-and-laughing-at-a-factory-648243124-550482-edited.jpgAnticipating and Capitalizing on Trends

The financial strength of consistent growing sales puts companies in a position to thoughtfully explore trends - to understand both the challenges and opportunities which they may create, and to explore long-term business strategies to minimize the former and maximize the latter.

Ed works with companies in this area as well. As a member of the middle market M&A association (ACG), and accredited independent director (NACD), and global expert (IERG), he ties the big picture to B2B business planning.

His 51 page "Navigating the Turn: A Mapbook & Question Guide for Boards of Directors and Executive Management Teams of Companies Hoping to Thrive in 2025" outlines his approach to these changes.

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